Inter-Library Loans

How to submit requests

LIS users who wish to borrow information resources from other libraries must register as end-users on the official Inter-library Loan Platform (SABINET TIPASA) to permit them to send requests online to their library's Inter-library Loan Office.

Request a book/article by clicking (on the link) to complete the online form.

Provide the Information Librarian responsible for the Faculty with all the necessary details of the information resources to be borrowed.

The Interlibrary loans staff shall contact the LIS user when a borrowed information resource has arrived

Return of information resources

LIS users must return borrowed information resources on or before the loan period expires
LIS users must return borrowed information resources at the ILL office of the library that handled the Inter-library loans transaction

Borrowing conditions

LIS users are not allowed to collect borrowed information resources from the supplying libraries themselves.

The Interlibrary loans staff will request loan renewals from the supplying libraries and communicate the results to the LIS users.

Borrowed information resources that are not collected before the loan period expires will be sent back to the supplying library. In such cases, the library users concerned will be responsible for the costs incurred. 

Abuse of the ILL service shall results in the total suspension of the service and blacklisting by other libraries.

The Inter-library loans staff shall contact the LIS user when a borrowed information resource has arrived. 

Contact details
For more information please contact: Mr Elias Makgalo at +27 12 382 4982 | +27 12 382 5481 or e-mail to or
Purpose of the Inter-Library Loans

ILL services support the research activities, teaching and learning, projects and work activities of the University by enhancing library information resources through provision of access to resources not held in any TUT library.

The library also supplies information resources to external libraries. The service follows a resource sharing model that allows libraries to manage their relationships with their resource sharing partners, both nationally and internationally.

The library offers a special service to the researchers and post-graduates students with the option of purchasing journal articles, book chapters and conference papers on their behalf to mitigate the library turn-way statistics.

The Interlibrary Loan Service is provided through the South African Inter-Lending Scheme (SAIS) under the auspices of the National Library of South Africa (NLSA). 

Information Resources obtained from other libraries. All information resources are eligible for interlibrary loans, except for reference works, TUT Archives, ccomplete issues of magazines and journals information resources in the reserved/short loan collection and audio-visual material.

Where are information resources obtained?

Nationally and Internationally. 

Information resources shall be first sought from South African libraries. International Inter-library Loans shall only be made in cases where the resources are not obtainable from South African Libraries. 

Who can use the service?

Tshwane University of Technology staff members, researchers and post-graduate students

Waiting period

Depends on the availability of the material and the nearest lending library.

If the item is not available nationally it is requested internationally. Library users are always notified about the progress of their requests

Delivery methods

Electronic delivery of journal articles (Article Exchange); courier service through the National library of South Africa and postal services

Loan period

Six weeks. Renewals can be requested but are granted at the discretion of the lending library. 
Library users are requested to contact the ILL office 3 days before the loan period expires.
Journal articles are not returnable

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