
Frequently asked questions

  • qxio-waterdrop What is Plagiarism, and what constitute plagiarism?

    Ralph D. Mawdsley, in an article Academic Misconduct: Cheating and Plagiarism, 1994 (Topeka: NOLPE) defined plagiarism as follows:

    “Plagiarism: This consists of offering as one’s own work the words, ideas or arguments of another person, without appropriate attribution by quotation, reference or footnote".

    Plagiarism occurs both when the words of another are reproduced without acknowledgement, and when the ideas or arguments of another are paraphrased in such a way as to lead the reader to believe that they originated with the writer

  • qxio-waterdrop How much materials may be included?
  • qxio-waterdrop Is there an obligation on staff member to protect a student?
  • qxio-waterdrop Who is the owner/author of a work created during studies?
  • qxio-waterdrop May the photographs be duplicated, and do royalties apply

    Artistic works is defined by the Act to include photographs, and therefore the use of Section 15.

    With respect to illustrations for teaching, Section 12(4) refers that the duplication must be done in order to constitute “fair practice”.

    The question therefore will be, ‘does the duplication of photographs for 10 files constitute fair practice?’

    Because of the quantity that must be duplicated, it will not constitute fair practice and therefore Section 12(4) will also not be applicable.

    Therefore permission from the author of the photograph must be obtained to duplicate the photographs at an agreed royalty. In addition, if such permission is obtained, it will only be applicable for that quantity of duplication for that specific year.

    If the department wishes to make use of the files, containing the photographs, for the following year, they will have to apply again for permission from the author because a reprographic license is only valid for one year.
  • qxio-waterdrop What are the stipulations of the Act
  • qxio-waterdrop May we copy videos to DVD and make use of them?
  • qxio-waterdrop How does copyright work with respect to the worldwide web
  • qxio-waterdrop Can I duplicate musical CD as a backup?
For information on plagiarism, please visit

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